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Anfebious said:

The story in these games isn't important. The Tales of series is known for it's cliched plots and it's use of complicated language for simple stuff. For example here in the real world we call the tiny bits that compose us as atoms. But in Tales of the Abyss they call them fonons and they don't explain that shit until you played the game for 6 hours. So remember, the plot isn't important!

The most important thing about these games is the battle system! It's fun specially at higher difficulty settings!

As for the first game you should play? You could play Symphonia>Abyss>Graces F>Vesperia>Xillia. Those 5 are the best and if you play them in that order you have a chance at bypassing the "OMG the graphics suck" syndrome.

That's bad news, I though the story would be deeper in those games. So no big plot twists and stuff?