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TruckOSaurus said:
Nicklesbe said:

Ok lets get this over with then. Town needs information so lets get that information. It hasn't been very long and I had hoped to get more investigating in but what I've found so far will hopefully be enough. I'm going to be a huge lynch target all game. Mafia knows it and are taking advantage of that fact.  You want your mafia, I suggest you look at Carl, trucks, cone and burger. One of them is likely mafia, then look at all those who are quiet, I would also suggest heavily suspecting anyone that is really quiet now that was town last game. Odds are they could be mafia. First vote always sucks and town needs answers so if I am going to be a huge target all game and a potential liability then lets get this over with and hope that I was able to finger some mafia in this short time.

Vote: NIcklesBe

It was nice playing with you, I hope in future games you judge me less by my play style and more by the actual information I find. I wish luck to all my fellow townies and I will keep seats warm in the graveyard.

If I could I'd revote for you. (I can't don't worry)

Two votes and two FoS and you're already giving up? Saying you'll be a huge lynch target all game long? Giving up already! What the hell?

Day One suspicions are very fickle, you should know that. Certainly nothing to permanently stain you with a "potential lynch" target for the whole duration of the game.

You really think that even if you put in the investigative work, chase down your suspects and provide your input you'll never shake off the stench of 4 people thinking you were kinda suspicions 24 hours into the game?

I'm not giving up. I am simply trying to make the most logical play I can given the situation. Not to play the newb card but this is my second game, I know they can be fickle, however I also know the initial instincts of some were very accurate. I'm going off my experiance of last game, and so far this looks alot like what happened to RCT. Town would have won if you guys just lynched him, saw that he was town and then went after those that pushed strongest against him. Again I'm not giving up, just making the best play I can think of that will be most beneficial to town. I can see where this is going. Days wasted on distractions and finger pointing at me. That is not going to be good for town and it will end like last game ended, so lets cut the shit and do what needs to be done to help town.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)