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The Fury said:

Procreation is your answer.

eva01beserk said:

You are correct. Aparently god told us to spread our seed over the world and spread the word. So since its a choice to be gay, its a choice to not spread our seeds and thats against god.

Genesis 9:7

And it's not a choice to be gay.

I meant they think its a choice, not that I think that.

But homosexuality has been define now days as only liking the same sex. (Wich is wrong, or maybe theres another word for it or what Im about to say, but it dosent matter Ill just continue my point.) Animals in nature have same sex relation all the time but also with the oposite sex.  They use it some as entrataiment like us like monkeys, others as a sighn of dominance, like most alfamales rape other males to keep them sumasive. Others as even missguiding, like some snakes pretend to be females to have all the males wainte their loads in them then have the real females for themselfs. I belive is the human race that likes to take things as an exageration all the time. I think we are all born a little intersted in both sexes and some people just like to take it to the absurd limit of only liking the same sex, either to proove a point to society, because is easy to be with the same sex, because the oposite sex does not find it atractive, for financial isues and many other things. The same thing can be said with straight people. Its a thing if you like the same sex more of the oposite more, nobody goes completly one way.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.