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Normchacho said:
Seece said:

What can Xbox benefit from Nintendo's handheld business? Because MS console business is far more lucrative than Nintendo's right now! (More systems sold, more revenue streams)

More systems sold? You sure about that? On top of that hasn't the MS console business been mared by a lack of profits for like a decade now?

Xbox has things Nintendo could use for sure (infastructure, payed online et. ect.) but they don't need Xbox to add those things. But outside of the U.S. and the U.K. the Xbox brand is a death sentence.

Like I said all Nintendo needs to be sucessful is to keep enough desierable games coming out to keep the WiiU steady and make sure that they make less mistakes the next time out. For Xbox to be successful they need to keep at this tug of war with Sony over sales, and I'm sorry but unless Sony trips over it's own feet I just don't think that's a fight they can win.

Yes, XB1 + 360 has shipped more than WiiU has the last 12 months. Heck even the XB1 has outshipped/sold WiiU every Q since it came out.

MS Games division which encompasses a lot of things has been profitable for like 7 years + now. It's best selling year was 1.3b profit.

Nintendo brand is hardly alive and well in Europe either, Xb1 will outsell WiiU in Europe when all is said and done.

Unless MS made the right moves on their part, I don't think even a MS-Ninty combo would come out on top. Japan has become to weak for console sales.