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Again, I chose not to support certain games, led by Holy Spirit in my choices.  

I rarely feel the need to respond to a hot pile of crazy like this, however, when you add "Holy Spirit" to any formation of human decision making you are delusional.  Flat out.  This is exactly the kind of stone age thinking that has f'ed the world up.  Stop bringing god into your life decisions and take personal responsibility, please.  If you have a system of beliefs and you understand those beliefs to the point where you think Sky WIzard is talking to you about your very important video game choices you have lost the plot, and failed to understand the entire esoteric point of faith.  

You are using a computer to write to strangers about video games... and you throw your faith into it?  Every single thing that you encounter or use in your daily life was created by humans, using science.  The computer isn't full of magic juice or mana or faith or luck, just good old fashion technology.  The same kind humans have been using the entire time we have enjoyed the Earth.  Which by the way, date back to the earliest fossils of anatomically modern humans from the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago.

If you want guidance on video game choices and feel the need to seek a knowledge higher than yours I would suggest reading Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, Immanuel Kant's The Metaphysics of Morals, John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism, Emile Durkheim's The Division of Labor in Society, for starters.

Or you could stop being creepy and play video games like the estimated 1.2 billions other people on the planet.  Just use your f'ing head!  If you're smart enough to write this crazy post then you shoud be smart enough to un-crazy yourself.  Understand that video games are media, fiction, recercation, and represent the same diversity of ideas, art and possibilities that created the world you live in.

- Moderated, Carl

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