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Hi guys,

I'm kind of new here even though I've been following these forums for the past few months. I'm not sure this is the right place to post this but I'm not allowed to make a new thread so... anyway. If you're bored of reading it all just skip to the end.

First of all, I'm from a sony dominated country (what you call tier 2 country i think), and rightfully so, because it's the only company that bothers to offer translated covers, menus, subtitles and other localization features to most of it's games and it's online play is the most stable. Because the wages here aren't that high most people wait a couple of years for eventual price drops to buy consoles and games. For the same reason PC gaming is out of the question for most of us because keeping a PC up to date costs a ton of money :/

Anyway, my first gaming consoles were the ps1 and ps2. I also had a gameboy color. When the psp released I didn't like the idea very much because in my mind sony was for consoles while nintendo was for handhelds, so I did not plan on buying it.

When the ps3 released it's price was like a slap in the face, so I bought a wii. Shortly after I realised that it wasn't for me as I got bored of it really quickly. So I sold it and after saving up for a couple of years bought the ps3. The main reason I plefered it over the 360 tbh is because I'm more of a casual gamer and I don't play online much, so I felt that paying a subscription just for the few times I would want to play online was a ripoff.

Meanwhile all sorts of games were coming out exclusively on the psp that i wanted to play. Games like god of war, gran turismo, gta and mgs which was at the time favorite sony franchise. I was so pleased with my psp in fact I think I enjoyed it even more than the ps3.

Now, when they announced the psv, I got really hyped up and bought it shortly after launch. At first I loved it. The display was gorgeous and I loved the front touch pad ( can't say the same about the rear). I got the bundle with uncharted and I really liked the game. After a while though I noticed a lack of titles for the vita :P

During the next 2 years, in my attempt to justify the money I had spent on the vita I tried out a lot of games including dha (which was quite good but repetitive), lbp ( it just wasn't for me), the jak hd trilogy (decent games for their time but... meh), killzone (well this was actually good for a fps) and gravity rush (too japanese for me...).

Honestly, I feel riped off by sony at this point, not releasing anything to this console besides jrpgs while being promised games like bioshock and warrior's liar.

Anyway, because I found a new job that requires me to travel a lot I need a couple of games to pass my time with. So I wanted to ask if you can recommend any jrpgs that maybe have a western feel to them. I know at this point that I won't get anything like skyrim or dark souls on the vita but is there anything diablo-ish? or even turn based like heroes of might and magic? or just anything you can recommend?

tl;dr: just read the last paragraph

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.