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Monty said: North America is a continent. Japan is a country. When I say NA is the easiest to track, I would say it is much easier to track than Asia (where Japan in located). If I had said the USA was the easiest to track, your response about Japan would have made some sense, but that's not what I said, so your response leaves me a little confused. It's like if I said that France was the easiest to track, and you responded "no, Sacramento, California is". As for your claim that vgcharts is wrong about Japan, I'd have to refer you to them, but I think you're arguing on my side if you're trying to say that vgcharts has some obvious flaws. So, I'm also confused why you directed that my way?
There are no numbers for Mexico and the NPD Canada numbers are no where to be found . They do track Canada video game market it says on their site where are the numbers are no one knows. I don't think vgcharts are off by 400,000 considering no data for NPD have been given even the estimate that people say are from them they are not claiming them. This site made an educated guess at what the numbers should be the numbers will be out on the 11th so any discussion about how using NPD numbers for December are useless. I think their guess is within 5% of the real total not the 30% (9.5 million)that you keep pushing. The Japan numbers are off because of the sale on week one of December they saw a jump to 34,000 but they do need to correct it back down to the only 17,000 per week average. I don't see how them overestimating adds to your argument that they are underestimating the total it would seem the other way maybe MS only sold 7 million WW. Using Japan as an example of how this site overestimates things.