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spurgeonryan said:
etking said:

If you are coming from a poor family, you have no chance to go to school because you have to struggle 24/7 with other serious and sometimes life-threatening issues, like mental illness, food, general safety, health problems, social problems, money and criminality. Often friends and family can make this situation even worse because they will get you deeper into the mess.

This may be hard to hard to imagine to someone coming from a more wealthy family but most of them would not survive 24 hours when being put into a poor man's life.

I passed high school because I worked hard to do so. My mom had no money for college. I went with a grant. I was dirt poor my whole life. Food stamps and lived in a drafty mouse infested house. Other than when I was in the military, I have been well below poverty my whole life. Do not give me this crap! I have three kids that I provide for by myself. Have not heard from the mom in a year. Even then she never gave anything but a lecture over the phone how I should raise my kids that I have full custody of now.

Don't anyone dare say they have such a horrible life and they just cant get anywhere! Make something happen! I have lived in Apartments, had crappy cars, depended on people I did not want to, and did things I did not want to. Throwing a fit and trying to make the government and your employer who already struggles to pay you 7 dollars more an hour is just classic American bull crap! Especially these days.

Not all minimuim wage jobs are easy, they're accessible but not easy, including fast food jobs. I work two jobs to support myself while going to school full-time. I work as an assistant manager at Popeye's, and in a factory job. My factory job pays $12 a hour, Popeye's pays $9. Guess which work is harder? Popeyes. Absolutely Popeye's, and I don't work as near as hard as a crew member. Let me break this down to you.


Since Obama Care happened crew members have to work less than thirty hours, which means we're always understaffed, causing one person having to do two people's worth or work. Which causes us to work at a hectic pace.


We have a drive thru system that we have little control over, in where the customer has to get out in under 180. If we don't meet this then I will get cussed out by my boss, as will the employees. I will possibly get fired, and I will possibly have to cut some poor guy's hours or fire him.


We have to memorize 30 recipes there, all of our food is made fresh, all of it, no pre-cooked shit. Cooks have to be in a hot ass kitchen frying chicken with no break for 8 hours, the company doesn't feed them or give them anything to drink other than a cone of water. A CONE of water. 


The store does 50K in sales and yet only 6K of that is labor, 4K is our weekly truck, and 5K goes to other costs. That's a massive profit.


I get paid $9 to run someone elses business, long work hours, lots of paper work, calling around, getting blamed and yelled it, etc, it's very taxing and stressful. A crew member has it worse than me in every way imaginable. This bullshit company won't feed them or give them hours or fucking something to drink, instead they work like fucking slaves in unsafe environments, at stupid temperatures for $7.40 a hour. One of my employees passed out cause of the heat, new people quit on their first day because it's so fucking hot and I have to tell them to do slave work. 


And it's like slave work, working non-stop being understaffed, doing two people's worth or work in hot temperatures, you have to move at a hectic pace. And we get NO benefits, not even a free fucking meal. 


So don't fucking tell me fast food workers don't work hard, or minimuim wage jobs. I've done MORE jobs, with LESS work, for MORE money. And just because you work fast food doesn't mean you're not uneducated. I have a girl that got a degree in fucking economics who can't find a job, who also can't make fucking rent because of how low the pay is. People with degrees can't even find jobs and they're forced to work these jobs that can't support them. At the very least they need full time hours back, but thanks to Obama many people at my job have lost their homes, vehicles, etc. It's very depressing because they are good people, and in order to work in my franchise you have to be a hard worker. 


Meanwhile, the corporation makes a killing off our hard work, make a killing of a me, who runs the business for them....for $9 a hour. It's simply not fair, in my opinion.


I have a friend in the UK who runs a fast food joint, they run labor at a 23%.


In America I have to run it below 11% or I'm fired.


American are greedy, as simple as that.



Most jobs aren't hiring full-time period. Thanks to the whole, over 30 hours a week = Health Care bullshit Obama pulled many people lost their homes, even when making above min. wage. I live alone and support myself, and all the full-time jobs are skill based. I'll ride it out until I graduate next year but even then I'd be lucky to land a job. However, I still look because I hate my job. But hey, that's life. I'm not saying they should raise $15, but $7.40 with less than 30 hrs, when they know people aren't hiring, and they make massive profits is fucking disgusting, in my opinion.


You have to see the shit to really feel where I'm coming from tho. You're not seeing people lose their homes and everything they worked for, while greedy assholes pull up in a Range Rover telling you to fire people for leaving early because their kid is in the hospital.


I stay in Detroit, where the economy is truly shit, the only jobs here are factory jobs, I already work in a factory. As I said I work two jobs, and I wouldn't be able to work two factory jobs because they honestly don't give a fuck about your schedule, I make the schedule at my other job so yeah. Not many jobs in Detroit, and too many people competing for them. I'm blessed to be working two honestly, the reason why corporations treat their workers like this is because they can where I live because people don't want to lose their job because it could realistically take YEARS to get another one. Not even kidding, YEARS.


Regarding school. Foh. Some people I know never had a chance at life public schools are shit and even the charter School ones. I know kids who looked at school as a free meal and nothing more. How can you focus on school when shit gets so real at home? I'm talking mom smoking crack dad nowhere to be found, raising yourself and another sibling? When I was young I had to take care or myself and my younger sister. My cousins were homeless. How tf were they supposed to work hard and go to school when guns drugs and other forms of violence were in there life. Fuck school. Surviving is more important for a lot of kids. Especially since we were African American. In school people were getting stabbed even shot and the teachers NEVER showed up. The edication system in some places are fucked and the teachers and principals don't care about schools. Just care about making money and shit. So don't fucking go there with that "Why don't you just get a skill" bullshit line. You DON'T know what goes on in the streets. 90% of fast food workers come from poverty as well. See the connection. That whole 'I came from nothing argument" seemed as fake as a white person saying "I'm not racist my best friend is black line!"