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Mr Khan said:
adriane23 said:
Working at Burger King was one of the worst jobs I ever had. I worked hard at it though and I was offered a manager position after 8 months just before I quit. They deserve more money than what they're getting, but $15/hr? A union? I don't think so. A low skill job is still a low skill job, no matter how fast you can put together a whopper.

They do need a union, though. Unions are good for two things: professional guilds to help make sure that tradesmen aren't caught in a race to the bottom with each other (so carpenters, et al don't have to worry as much about competing on price as they do on service), and unskilled labor, because the bottom of the market is most vulnerable to abuses by management.

The union helps fix problems like wage theft and can standardize rules about scheduling which are two of the biggest problems for people working in these types of situations.

30 years ago, yes, but unions in general are way too powerful now in my opinion. And the idea of 15 year olds in unions just seems odd to me. I get where you're coming from though.

I am the Playstation Avenger.