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Keegs79 said:
Hoodieninja said:
Keegs79 said:

I will tell you that I have no sympathy for them. The jobs don't take any skills. That is one reason why you don't get paid a lot. Another is that these jobs were never meant to be for people with families. It used to be teenagers that took the brunt of these jobs. I don't know how much that has changed but its ridiculous to consider giving a skill less job a raise. I get paid just over 15 dollars with 14 years in the navy. How much do these people deserve compared to my experience and skills? They deserve the same??? I know a lot of people that do harder work for less than 15 dollars than flipping burgers! I know people start out working in shipyards getting 10 dollars an hour in the heat all day long with actual skills.

Lastly, if they get paid more than some of these people are going to lose their jobs and the prices of the food will go up. You can't have it both ways. Its not about having sympathy. It's logic. It's economics.

Sorry it's not logic.
You get Benefits working in the Government THEY DON'T. If in services you get Food, Free Healthcare and many things for free.

Also NOT EVERYBODY is fit for the Navy.

Also Minimum Wage use to be able to Provide for a family, that's a fact. If anything the MINIMUM wage should be enough for them to get an Education, Provide a Decent Place to stay, Provide for MEDICAL expenses. And it does NONE OF those things correctly.

1. Wrong. I don't get benefits. I don't work for the government. If they want an education than they need to look for tuition assistance and do what others do. This has been going on for what 30 years or more. I don't know how long but I long time and someone like you NOW thinks they deserve more money? Paying more just screws things for everyone. If the minimum wage were to go up than prices for everything goes up because that money needs to be paid somehow.

2. Im not in the navy anymore and a stupid excuse is being not fit when they can make themselves so. Besides, the standards are not that high compared to what I believe they should be.

3. Mr Joe who you would say needs his money for his "education" just lost his job because they had to cut corners to make up for lost revenue or perhaps they need to close completely because they are not getting paid enough to substain business. Medical expenses? Geez. Its a FAST FOOD JOB! It's not meant for a career. Nobody is forcing these jobs on anyone.

1. It all depends but those prices shouldn't be very drastic, paying an extra 25 cents so somebody can earn 3 more dollars is a fair Increase. it doesn't screw everyone in fact RAISING the minimum has been proven to BOOST the economy is done properly.

2. They're much better than working at a Fast food restaurant that's for sure.

3. Again just because a job is Providing for Medical expenses doesn't mean it has to be a Career Job. Many first world countries provide very good Health-care. The U.S. system is by far the worst and we PAY more MONEY than any other country with LITTLE to NO BENEFIT.