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spurgeonryan said:
Mr Khan said:
Your compassion for your fellow man never ceases to amaze me, Spurge.

I have a min...well had one. I worked my butt off to become a Manager in about a years time. And not just one step up, I jumped three positions. I am short, balding, aging, not in great shape, not funny or really that smart and nothing really that special. But I worked my butt off with three kids at home, working nights to get a where I am at now. I was a waiter a decade ago. I did not sit around and cry in my warm milk that I was making min wage in Washington State, no I joined the military to better my life and my families life. I went to college, which most companies will pay for, including Walmart and the Military.

Forget these people who had kids when they were 15, smoked, did drugs, got tatoos, drank, etc who barely can get a min wage job while barely passing a piss test, and then causing all sorts of trouble for the employers who had to look under every crack to find you. I can barely get any workers. Why? They do not show up, they are on drugs, they get the job and realize they have to work and not just stand around playing videogames waiting for their mommy to give them lunch money.


Why can't these people do this! Why do they need a 5-7 dollar raise? Work hard and most places give you a raise yearly.

Compassion? I help my employees daily! I donate money to people, I help people all the time. This is not compassion, it is just not being blind to the laziness of the American society. Want something for nothing.

Thank you for your service, spurge. I have even more respect for you.

On I side note, I agree with mostly everything you said. Yes they want handouts, yes they should have planned better and not have 4-5 children working at a fast food place, yes they should have went to school or go to school etc.

All of that doesn't mean they don't deserve a litle increase. That being said it should increase to $10 dollars (NO MORE) an hour. It should increase because, while you brought some interesting points, doesn't change the fact that they are being exploited at their jobs. They are being taken advantage of, and just because they didn't plan ahead or not as smart and ambitions as other people shouldn't mean they should be treated like or paid like decent human beings.