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etking said:

If you are coming from a poor family, you have no chance to go to school because you have to struggle 24/7 with other serious and sometimes life-threatening issues, like mental illness, food, general safety, health problems, social problems, money and criminality. Often friends and family can make this situation even worse because they will get you deeper into the mess.

This may be hard to hard to imagine to someone coming from a more wealthy family but most of them would not survive 24 hours when being put into a poor man's life.

Please. I go to a top 30 private university that only admits 16% of qualified applicants,graduated in the top 10% of my class, and my mom dropped out of high school in the tenth grade and worked as a waitress her whole life, making less than minimum wage. To say there is NO chance of attending school, and to imply that the affluent don't experience life threatening issues, mental illness, health problems, and even social problems is disingenous.