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CDiablo said:
setsunatenshi said:
CDiablo said:
setsunatenshi said:

I agree... the way Xbox has been competing has hardly done any good to the industry. Throwing money at already made/published games with the sole purpose of keeping them from the competition (Tomb Raider recently, Mass Effect 1, Titanfall, etc) does absolutely no good for consumers. Take industry talent and create your own exclusives, games that wouldn't exist otherwise, now that would be a worthwile endeavour and one that could actually justify the continued MS presence in the console gaming space.

So yeah... selling the division off to a possible competitor that has a different approach might be the way to go. I doubt they will close shop during this generation though, they might as well push through and try to recoup some R&D money.

You are probably pissed at Bloodborne, No Mans Sky and Sunset Overdrive as well. Both companies do this.

Bloodborne is made in cooperation between From Software and Sony Japan studios.

No Man's Sky is an indie game made by a team of 3 (i think they are 3 people only, could be 5 though) and they can only work on 1 platform at a time, guess which one they would pick, the one selling record numbers or the one being constantly hated since the E3 2013 debacle?

Sunset Overdrive is the perfect example of the paid exclusive that MS got and would obviously get made regardless.

Counter example would be Bayonetta 2, which the developers mentioned plenty of times that if it wasn't for Nintendo's funding, the game would never be made in the first place.

Im sure Bloodbourne would have gotten made regardless of Sonys involvement. No Mans Sky(Ive heard 4 man team) makes the most sense to release on PC first. So when MS Game Studios in collaberation with EA put out Mass Effect, you have no problem with it.......oh wait, you do.

i'll bite...

- Bloodborne, much like Demon's Souls was a cooperative effort between From Software and Sony Japan, the IP was owned by Sony. From Software took the success from Demon's Souls and created Dark Souls 1 and 2, a cult favourite whose IP they own. During the team has expanded but not enough that they could handle the simultaneous development of 2 AAA games. So unless you have some information that I don't have, it seems obvious why Miyazaki would take the help from Japan Studio to try and create a new IP, hedging the risks and still maintaining support on Dark Souls (2 expansions have come out in the meantime already).

So yeah... If there's no Japan Studios, the game does not get made. Same reason why Demon's Souls was made in the first place, small developer From Software co-developed with Japan Studios.'s_Souls


- Regarding No Man's Sky, the game is apparently planed to release on PC at a later date, again, small development team has to focus on 1 machine at a time. Why would they chose PS4 rather than PC first? Well... why would Dark Souls 1 and 2 also release on consoles about a month before PC? Why did Batman release on consoles before PC? Hmmmm........ maybe because developers tend to see a higher RoI on console games than on PC games? Maybe there are nearly 0 concerns with piracy on PS4? Maybe they got to be on stage at E3 getting all that free publicity from Sony instead of doing a stealth release on Steam?

As far as I know their studio remains independent and will release the game on other platforms. It seems like the more open approach from Sony this generation has courted MANY indy studios, not just Hello Games. Or are you saying Sony is moneyhatting that exclusivity? If so, please show me such evidence.


- Finally regarding Mass Effect I can concede the fact that Microsoft did actually fork the money to publish the game from Bioware, but had no say as a developer. I can offer no counterproof that another publisher would come forward to publish the first game because it would only be speculation. The only thing I can point out is that they were a mainly PC game develpment studio (the guys who made KOTOR and Baldur's Gate) so it would be pretty likely they would find a publisher relatively easily. All this before being acquired by EA of course.

So that's my take on those 3 examples you selected.