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ikki5 said:

Would you care if you were obscenely fat, would you go to a beach without thinking about yourself at all, or had a massive scar going down your face, or if you were born with a birth defect on you that was obviously seen or even had to wear some weird thing on your face for some medical purpose and out and about in the public? I think so. You might live in some rabbit hole and don't see or meet people but most people do live around people. People care about self image, people don't want to be judged by others. That's why we try not to do stpid things or look foolish around other people. like, just imagine trying to play with a bunch of friends all wearing some device on your face so you can't even see them or look into your eyes. Like, that is ujust stupid and the live of someone who wants to spend their time alone and away from people. You may think i am salty because of this but I would rather be social, not be judged by others and not be living in a psuedo irtual world.

I don't live in some "rabbit hole" I do live with others. Unlike you I actually have confidence in how I look. I know I look good, and I know I will look good in just about anything, however I am also developed and experianced enough as person to know that looks really don't matter. Perhaps that is your problem? Perhaps you are so self conscious because you have no confidence in how you look? You seem to be someone that is not only quite self obsorbed but also quite sheltered. So I'm going to let you in a little secret. In the real world, no one really gives a shit what you look like.  Just because you are shallow and judge everyone you see doesn't mean everyone who sees you judges you. In reality most people don't give a fuck. Trust me I'm close to 30 and have been rockin a mohawk since I was 16. The only person who ever gives me any shit on how I look is my girlfriend, and that's usually when I just throw on a messy shirt. Otherwise no one gives a damn. 

You can still be social and have fun with games. I would highly suggest you work on your self confidence and tone down the vanity, and maybe even do some work on developing a personality that doesn't revolve around shallowness and try to achieve some sort of deeper understanding.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)