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ikki5 said:

Lol, wow, where do I begin, First off, the whole VR thing, people have been saying this since before the PS4 was even announced and it was going to be a PC thing so i doubt that is the reason. It just hasn't been until the last year or two that it has been such a talked about thing mainly because it is now coming into a reality that it is potentially getting close. But no, it is not because it is being released on X device, it is has always been attacked because seriously, a lot of people look at it and think that they would look stupid with a piece of plasting with a screen in it on your face would look dumb and I am in that group. it has nothing to do with what system or anything. To be honest, I never even knew the PS4 was getting a VR device until you just mentioned it because I never cared enough to take note about it. Which this actually makes me laugh because one thing I have noticed is that people who are PS4 fans seem to think that everyone is jeouse of them. Now I could be wrong about that but that is just what I have observed But sorry, that is not the same, some maybe, but most aren't. Just because the VR comes to the PS4 and not the Xbox (not going to say MS because that is wrong) or nintendo is just stupid when 95% at least in the main three regions have access to a computer so if they wanted to use VR, then they could. Now here, really if people want something, they will find a way to get it even if it is down the road. So again, I highly doubt it is the platform it is going to, I am pretty sure it is more the self image you will have while using the device.

ok so short story is you don't like it because you care more about how you look in most likely private more than gaming experiance? Why should I take your opinion seriously? If you are that shallow and you care that little for actual gaming then I'm sorry but your opinion doesn't really matter to me, and you complaining about really doesn't change the fact that you are salty about it. Instead of being salty because of jelousy > love of games, you are salty because your vanity > love of games which is still saltyness none the less.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)