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Two things are the cause for this.

Number 1: Drones

Number 2: Money

The reason is because people will see the name of a game that used to be great and they will just go out and buy. These are the drones. Games are recycled so much nowadays by everyone in the business. They know that they can just re-skin things and the drones will buy them which is where the money comes in. They know the drones will buy it and make them lot of money. So I guess really, it could be just one reason, drones. But it is how it all is, this is why we get like 20 sequels of a game now. Look at Assassins Creed, it was once a great game, and now it is tapering off as we have moved into a yearly franchise. Same goes with games like Call of Duty, Mario platformers, Sim City, The Sims, Warcraft, etc. Now, don't get me wrong here, some installments are great and really awesome but, they are just re-skins essentially and the same thing as the last one which is why they get boring a lot faster than they did before. yeah, the game is new, but it is just a re-skin of the last and as you're playing it, it just gets older faster because you've technically already played that game.

The other thing that I have noticed if you are like me who is now 25 or so (or for some, even older) and has been gaming since you can remember, I've had video games in my house since before I was born, I started with the NES which i still play today but as an adult to me now compared to when I was a kid, Video games to get boring faster than they used to and it could just be a growing up thing.