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Blue3 said:
shams said:


And everyone (writing these articles) seems to 'assume' that the Wii is a Gamecube/PS2 graphically. Its just not true. As expected, too many of the games out now are simply ports - quick cash ins. It won't be until Nintendo release Metroid, Galaxy & Smash will we have a better indication of just how powerful the Wii will be graphically.

Its not going to catch up to the 360/PS3 - but I don't think it has to. What it will do, is proof conclusively that its more powerful than a GC/Xbox/PS2. And consumers will be very happy about the graphics that come out of this little "duct-taped" GC.


Wiis capability is alot closer to the PS2/GC then the PS3/360 and thats the problem. Just how well do you think Metroid and Galaxy will stack up to the likes of Uncharted or Rachet adn Clank ?


Metroid and Galaxy will stand up to Uncharted and ratchet in the same way that Wiisports and Rayman RR currently stand up to Resistance and Motorstorm.

So basically, they will stand up in the only way that matters, sales. And graphics wont make any difference with those FUTURE games the same way they arent mattering NOW.


I love how you try and act like there isnt ALREADY a massive divide in graphics lol. The divide is ALREADY HERE, and its NOT having any effect. Wii sports characters dont even have arms! The graphical divide is already as big as it will ever be. Ever.