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RJ_Sizzle said:

People gave too much credence to the Japanese Amazon ranking apparently. While online shopping is getting more commonplace in Japan, this is a country that still prefers to do things via brick and mortar, mostly. Their online rankings aren't really a good barometer to judge sales on at all. It's leaving some people with egg on their face at this point.

The actual numbers will tell once they're available, seeing as how VGC still has Japan as one of its three main regions for sales. I fully expect those numbers to be in immediate dispute by those whose theories/wishes are not proven or fulfilled, but they'l still be a decent marker as to whether product launch press at brick and mortar outlets shows general public interest in a new platform.

Personally, I'll go with yes as standing in a queue with other fans of a product to be among the first to physically take one home remains a time honored practice that has little to do with convenience or even guaranteeing one will be able to buy one. Key word being fans. No eager fans, no lines.