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what it boils down to is this.

there are a vocal minority of women forcing drama and issues wherever possible to obtain what they feel is justice and fairness, they are doing this for 'all women', but if a woman speaks up and says 'actually, i don' t agree with this, its stupid' they are openly attacked, belittled and played down by that vocal minority, it happens all the damn time, they want to push their agenda and women not playing ball put their mission at risk and are, openly, told they are "a traitor to their own gender'
its utter bullshit, its basically a tiny portion of women trying to force their views on an entire gender under the guize of making the world a better place.
theres no equality in forcing the world to bend to your desires through agression or shaming, all that does is tip the table the other direction.

The absolute kicker here is that men are joining arms with these people and marching the march in the lynchmob of political correctness.

This is what we get for living in a generation of pack mentality born from the tumblr generation, perfectly willing to villify groups of people such as 4chan while conveniently ignoring the thousands if women on Twitter who will blindly attack and hate on anyone theyre told to by the leaders of this mob.

what the men that pander to their egos don't actually get is, youre not wanted by them, you have a penis and thus regardless of what you think or say, you are actually the enemy, and even if not right now, sooner or later they will turn on you becayse if they dont then their plight is tainted, tainted by the idea that they succeeded with the help of men.

Padib, im going to directly mention you,  even if it means a ban.
You tell others to respect your religious beliefs and opinions, but you often times do not respect the same values in return, your attitude about the game respects your own beliefs but lacks respect for an entire culture and lacks respect for gamers who find interest in this game, your posts more often than not take the moral high ground and overanalyse every single word, often giving the sense that you meander off on side topics triggered by certain words or scentences, this without fail paints a picture of a guy insistant on belittling others and thrusting himself morally above them, whilst giving them the impression that youre highly intellectual, when in reality all you do is succeed in showing that you miss the point or misunderstand entirely.
and whenever you cannot find a way to take the moral highground or thrust yourself intellectually above the person youre talking with, you play the victim and point out all the mean things the other person has said, often going as far as to bring up reporting or rules. this is a trait that is extremely similar to the vocal minority we now call feminists.


it's not conducive with discussion and completely unrelated to the topic at hand,  you have this attitude in every single thread.