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staticneuron said: Just like stated in the article. You can show up in one and set precedence. If they knew they were in their right then why didn't they fight? Unless you are just trying to show an example of why a company is in the wrong needed to close shop?
An important lesson everyone must learn is that there are some fights you simply can not win ... If you're a small company (like Lik-Sang) and you're 'attacked' by a much larger company (like Sony) your legal fees are going to take up a large portion of your revinue; the larger company will likely have better legal councel and will probably drag the lawsuit out for as long as they can. Even if you're lucky enough to win the larger company will apeal the ruling and drag out that case for as long as they can. A company like Lik-Sang new they were going to go bankrupt regardless; even if they won the case their company was finished.