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This is a pretty funny thread, to be honest.  I mean, that's one of the calmest games I've ever seen.  She's not half-naked, she's not being physically assaulted, and she's not being forced to have sex.  Have the people who are climbing on their horses about this seen any other video-games before?  Like, ever?  You can throw a stick and get worse.  That's the hilarious part.

Is it objectification?  Oh, it certainly has that potential, absolutely.  Of course, so are the female harem games they also introduced.  Where is the rage about that?  Anyone?  The truth is, as a guy, those don't bother me whatsoever, so there is no way I'm going to put my Outrage Pants on when it's the other way around.

Finally, perhaps most importantly, this is a game intended for another country and another culture.  Personally, I don't actually like Japan's high-school infatuation but that's not something that's up to me.  That's up to Japan.  The western media getting bent out of shape over this game is all sound and fury, signifying nothing.