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Seece said:
eva01beserk said:
Seece said:

Ugh, this hurts my head. So because they shipped that for Gamecube (which was a different console, in a different landscape, with different rivals, and different software) WiiU could do the same?

WiiU hasn't matched any Gamecube shipments so far AFAIK?

Arent you the one who keeps saying that the 360 did great in all holidays and so the x1 has to do it to? now my head hurts. What he says makes more sense since the wii u is facing the same hardships as the gamecupe, but for the x1 it dosent make sense since the 360 was dominating for a little while, then was at least on par with the ps3, then got below the ps3, but it was aclose third unlike this time.


I've never said that, given I'm always against the myth of Nintendo having great holidays.

All consoles do great in the holidays for pretty obvious reasons, it's the holidays.

You where debating that with me, so ofcourse I remember. You even showed me a time the 360 sold over 4m when halo and gears launched on a holiday and told me since halo MMC is coming it might has to do well also. Im not going to look for that conversation, But I remember how you kepted saying that you have history on your side. Then you said since the wii u did bad last holiday it has to do bad this holiday, and all you could not even atribute the bad sales with the launch of the ps4/x1 wich was all people could talk about at the time.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.