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Scizor_99 said:
Seece said:

Coupled with third party support and an actual audience to target at. Something XB1 has shown it can do (Launch, Titanfall period) XB1 sells crap when it has nothing going on, but WiiU has sold poorly (consistantly) throughout its whole life no matter what has been put on the table.

Xbox One's audience is being taken away by the PS4. Almost every major third-party game is laos on the PS4, and third-party games have sold more PS4s than Xbox One's (when you compare the boosts. Launch periods definitively prove nothing, as proven by consoles like the DC, the GC , and yes, the Wii U, which experienced huge sales drops after the first few months. There's no way of telling is the strong Xbox One sales are simply a result of Xbox fans and hardcore gamers adopting the console early; meanwhile, the PS4 baseline has been consistently high. It isn't enirely true that the Wii U has been selling consistently poorly. The Wii U did sell well at launch (as previously mentioned) are sales did increase significantly upon the release of major exclusives (so far SM3DW, MK8, nad WWHD gave notable boosts. I don't know why you you think that Smash Bros. (assuming that it doesn't miss this holiday) will do next to nothing and MK8 will cease to make any notable impact despite Mario's long history of performing well during holidays. 

Who is even debating this? And why is it so black and white for some of you? Third parties will do more for PS4's than they will for XB1's. That does not mean multiplats will not shift XB1's either, they will, they have, and they will continue to do so. It's exactly the reason XB1 is vastly outpacing (alligned launch) WiiU despite being $100/$200 higher.

unless you think MS first party studios push more hardware than Nintendo's? You'll have to make your mind up on that one, can't be both now can it.