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That far ahead in the future? Not a chance.

Wii U is only ever going to have the backing of one major publisher: Nintendo. The Xbox One is going to continue to have third party support and whatever else Microsoft throw at it. The Xbox One will probably never reach PS4 levels, but it's going to start to outstrip Wii U regularly next year at the latest.

Nintendo's software looks great, but it's going to be--at best--one Nintendo published title per month, versus whatever every major Western publisher is pulling out, plus whatever other content Microsoft can secure. Sure, multi-plats won't sell as well as they do on PS4, but that volume of software will lift Xbox One's sales numbers above what Wii U can post.

People need to accept Wii U is a niche device and will remain so. Titles like Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Xenoblade Chronicles X etc might be hyped among a core fanbase, but they aren't going to shift as many systems as Xbox One's multi-platform titles. The only guaranteed system sellers Nintendo have confirmed for Wii U are Smash Brothers and The Legend of Zelda. However good the rest of their content is, it's not going to help Wii U outsell Xbox One in the next few years.