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To be specific, PS4 is not successful on HYPE. Many pointed out Nintendo and Microsoft messed up, but gave vague details on why. Heres my take:

Nintendo completely messed out by not coming out with any games that the Tablet needed to be utilized with besides... Well ZombiU? They had an innovating idea but with no justification of why the idea was done in the first place. To this day, they're is NO GAMES that really implement why we really need a tablet for a controller. NSMb2, MK8, SM3DW, DK:TT, W101, Pikmin 3 and LoZ:WW can all be played W/O the Tablet, and those are the consoles best games. Maybe if Nintendo were to come out with games to show 3rd party developers what the Pad can be used for, they'd still have their support. Another reason is that Nintendo didn't come out guns blazing with none of its great franchises (Zelda, SSB, MK) etc.I remember buying a Wii just so I can get the CHANCE to play the Twilight Princess. Also the obvious reason is that its behind the other consoles in Specs, but IMO that's overrated because the Wii was still successful with PS3 and 360 being suprior in specs.

Microsoft first mess up was with their 360 (yes you read right). Most people that got that dreaded RROD vowed NEVER to purchase anything XBOX related again (including me), mainly because Microsoft knew they'd be screwing 30% of their launch date customers but still sold the defective consoles anyway. The fact that they initially told gamers they can't buy used games (misinterpreted, I know) that will work with the console, and they fact that it's $100 bucks more than the PS4 made them REALLY look like Greedy Company who wanted even the lint from your pockets.

PS4 on the other hand came out with a mixture of everything, 2 to 5 Exclusive games with a mixture of 2nd and 3rd party support. They sold simply an upgrade to an already great console. Forget the Gimmick Tablet Nintendo is trying to selling you, and forget Microsoft trying to pinch every last penny out of you. This console is safe. Sony will sell you the same games, which about 90% of them you can still buy on a PS3, that will look better. And the public iate it up buying upgraded games like COD: Ghosts and Last of Us :Remastered

And yes, I will buy a PS4 soon, when the price drops.