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Seece said:
ShyGuy322 said:
I don't understand why people think the XB1 is going to sell like crazy this holiday. It had a nice launch but sales have been abysmal since then, even after Titanfall and a 25% price cut. There just isn't much consumer interest in it outside of NA, a market it is losing.

Nobody thinks it's going to sell like crazy, just better than WiiU. Which by comparison has done awful pretty much all its life. Even the MK boost (which is a far far bigger property than Titanfall) did naff all for sales.

That and not all is as seems here.

XB1 has outshipped WiiU every Q it's been out, and will continue to so going forward.

Ya ya Mk literally did nothing for Wii U and by nothing I mean doubling the baseline and outselling XB1 every week of summer and so on