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Slade6alpha said:
Toxy said:

I am a massive RPG fan however I have not played any of the Tales games. I know, it is a crime.
That being said, what Tales game would you recommend I should start off with?

Depends on the system you own. Honeslty none really follow any chronilogical sequence, as they are all separate titles. (except obviously Xillia 2, and Dawn fo the New World, whihc are sequels.)

If you own a PS3, get Xillia, Symphonia Chrosnicles, Graces F (weakest one IMO), then move on from there. As Zesteria, and Xillia 2 are/will release. Own a 360? Vesperia (my opinion the best one I've played). Hearts  R is coming on the Vita this Fall if you live in NA. Abyss is on PS2 and 3DS. Hope that gets you started :) 

Fantastic series!

If you need a starting block: Vesperia, Xillia, and Symphonia Chronicles would be the three best places to start off IMO. 

Thank you for the fantastic breakdown! 

I might try Abyss or Vesperia. Sadly I do not have a PS3 and will likely skip it now that the PS4 is out. I am hoping that the PS4 will eventually offer the PS3 library online. If I like what I play then I will track down the other games! I will put it on my must play list... and then wait for the moneys. Ah to be a poor student.