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hunter_alien said:
shams said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Uncharted & R & C have shown brilliant legs

I guess its a question of definition? Uncharted selling 30k (worldwide) in its 20th week - pretty good performance I guess. It squeaks in at #49 on the weekly (worldwide) charts - and I count 25 titles above it, which have been out for 20 weeks or more. Twilight princess at 71 weeks is outselling it?

Motorstorm is doing a much better job (now 3m sales), even though it is partially bundled.

Its no comparison to CoD4 (360), which is doing really well (outselling Uncharted in same period by around 4:1).


R&C I disagree with. The game is a borderline "failure", given how big the franchise is and the expectations of the title. Its sitting pretty at #79 worldwide charts, with weekly sales of 20k (after 20 weeks).

If you consider R&C to have "legs", then these titles have "better" legs:

- Sight Training, Lego StarWars (Wii), Rayman II (Wii) - a game no one has talked about at all (etc)


The very best legs? Ignoring WiiSports + WiiPlay - it has to be Nintendogs (3 years on market, still 60k/week sales). Brain Training is up there as well. DS is still "legs king" this generation, and that won't change.

Every one of this games are softcore , no matter how you put it . Uncharted has a much smaller audience than RRR2 or Sight Training . Also lets dont even start talking about Nintendogs or Brain Training , because those games are the deffinition of sotfcore . Also , the DS has nearly 70 million units out there , whil the PS3 has only 11 , and though this numbers have no real effect on sales they do on overall sales ...


 What the hell does it matter if a game is "hardcore" or "softcore?"  A sale is still a sale