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shams said:
I agree with you - although we don't know the "timing" of a price cut next year, or what else Ninty has on the horizon. I think its more likely we'll see some "free" software bundles, i.e.:

- WiiFit pack (Wii, WiiSports + WiiFit) for $299
- WiiKart pack (Wii, WiiSports, WiiPlay + controller, Mario Kart) for $299
- Wii Gaming pack (Wii, WiiSports, Brawl) for $279


If they keep the software like WiiFit coming at this rate - demand will continue to exceed supply for another 1-2 years. And that means NO need for any price cut (just convenient bundles to make it "simpler" to buy for gamers). I wonder if we'll ever see WiiFit + Wii sold in gym/exercise stores (same way I saw Nintendogs sold in pet stores).

As has been the case for Ninty over the last 2 years - the main thing they need to worry about is manufacturing. Nothing else.

Next generation, I wouldn't be surprised to see them launch at a higher price point to avoid this whole mess. They could have easily sold the first 10m Wii units at $50-$100 more, for an extra tidy $500m-$1bn in "pure profit" - then dropped the price as needed.

 Definitely. It could be $250 easily until 2010.

 Eventually though a Bluray PS3 will be priced low enough that Wii sales will start to be similar. That's when Nintendo will feel the need is there to generate more buzz and ensure people see Wii's value is still much greater than the competition. That is why I say Summer of 2009 at th earliest.

If the PS3 is about $50 new with some bundled game/movie (as they normally sell it) then Wii might become par with PS3. This I think is self evedent in NA/EU now where the PS3 has more than doubled its previous sales from last year and is not being 'crushed' by Wii on a weekly basis. Now, I am not leoJ or some other sony guy crying PS3 domination @$299 etc, but, you have to admit a Bluray player PS3 will some good games only $50 more than the Wii might start to pull in the mass market people. When that happens Nintendo will drop to $200 or so.

What price were dvd players at when they finally outsold vhs players? I am pretty sure they were in the $250/$300 range. I know that's when I picked up one. In fact it was a Sony at $279. I was working at Circuit City and I am absolutely sure that is the same xmas that dvd players outsold vhs for the first time.

Basically I don't think Nintendo cares what price the 360 is at. I think that due to the bluray player the PS3 has the ability to sell to the same audience as the Wii, given its the right price.