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I agree with you - although we don't know the "timing" of a price cut next year, or what else Ninty has on the horizon. I think its more likely we'll see some "free" software bundles, i.e.:

- WiiFit pack (Wii, WiiSports + WiiFit) for $299
- WiiKart pack (Wii, WiiSports, WiiPlay + controller, Mario Kart) for $299
- Wii Gaming pack (Wii, WiiSports, Brawl) for $279


If they keep the software like WiiFit coming at this rate - demand will continue to exceed supply for another 1-2 years. And that means NO need for any price cut (just convenient bundles to make it "simpler" to buy for gamers). I wonder if we'll ever see WiiFit + Wii sold in gym/exercise stores (same way I saw Nintendogs sold in pet stores).

As has been the case for Ninty over the last 2 years - the main thing they need to worry about is manufacturing. Nothing else.

Next generation, I wouldn't be surprised to see them launch at a higher price point to avoid this whole mess. They could have easily sold the first 10m Wii units at $50-$100 more, for an extra tidy $500m-$1bn in "pure profit" - then dropped the price as needed.

Gesta Non Verba

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