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The_Sony_Girl1 said:

I can totally understand why it isn't going to Wii U,  but 3DS? The console where the sub-series was birthed? A console which will probably sell more than Wii U and X1 combined? I mean,  Capcom isn't below porting way too powerful games to them 3DS considering they released Street Fighter IV there. This is like Rise of the Tomb Raider all over again, except there isn't a chance it's going to 3DS.

You really think a 3DS version would outsell Wii U and Xbox versions?  The audience for RE is on HD consoles, not handhelds, so it just doesn't make sense to release it on 3DS.  Not to mention that they probably never considered 3DS when making the second game in the series, so they'd have to down-port the engine and all of the assets to squeeze it onto 3DS. All of that extra worl to port it would mean they would need to see even greater sales in order to get a return on their investment.

Maybe with the New 3DS, Nintendo can get Capcom to make an RE game for them again, especially with the new c-stick for dual analog, but I just don't think the RE audience is really on Nintendo platforms.  That was more N64 and GameCube era.

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.