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I played 1.0 when it was first release from beta all the way until they destroyed it. Then I got in beta for 2.0 on ps3 all the way up until right before they released the patch that (finally) introduced housing. I honestly just got tiered of it. it got so repetitive and boring. I'm sure it has improved since but I have played a lot of MMOs over the years and it's honestly getting harder and harder for me to justify paying monthly subscription fees anymore. So now I usually stick to games that have free2play models.

That's not to discourage others from playing the game tho, I wholeheartedly suggest playing it for a trial period and if ya feel its worth paying for then go for it. As for me I spent a few hundred bucks on it since it first released in 2010 and then relaunched in 2013 and it just didn't seem worth it anymore. Especially after getting to end game and maxing all the classes in a few short months in both 1.0 and 2.0.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)