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Sold numbers are from the closest VGC week:
Shipped/sold/gap 2012-12-31: 3.06/2.23 (0.83)
Shipped/sold/gap 2013-03-31: 3.45/2.82 (0.63)
Shipped/sold/gap 2012-06-30: 3.61/3.16 (0.45)
Shipped/sold/gap 2013-09-30: 3.91/3.53 (0.38)
Shipped/sold/gap 2013-12-31: 5.86/5.27 (0.59)
Shipped/sold/gap 2014-03-31: 6.17/5.90 (0.27)
Shipped/sold/gap 2014-06-30: 6.68/6.60 (0.08)

It's over tracked for sure going by past numbers, but only by 200-350k, not 500-900k like some are saying.


1. If the Wii U sells closer to 10 million LTD by 1/3/2015 I win. If it sells closer to 9.5 million LTD by 1/3/2015 OfficerRaichu15 wins (winner gets 2 weeks of avatar control)--Lost.