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I think this is going to be another game that suffers with the press because it doesn't follow an accepted pattern. In this case, because it's a TPS, if it doesn't mimic the combat of Gears of War, it's a failure, despite the fact that the focus is much different. The writer in this article appears to want to win with whichever weapon he chooses, though my understanding is that the weapons are highly situational and are designed to compliment rather than replace one another.

My impression is that it's not meant to be a bang-bang shoot'em up game but one where you think about how to use your tools. Sadly, that probably won't review well in a twitch-centric environment. Personally, I keep 8 weapons slotted in Fallout games and my inventory maxed out in Borderlands, so I love that kind of gameplay.

It brings to mind ZombiU, a game that I still want to play, which got a lot of flak for doing gameplay its own way. People get used to being gods and tend toward a, "this gun won't work, this game is stupid," mentality.