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Well, do we think we have to wait to see if Blu-Ray ever really takes off before we decide whether this has been a good generation for Sony?

Yes, Blu-Ray won the HD-DVD battle, but will it beat online viewing/distribution via Live Marketplace/Netflix Streaming/YouTube/PSN/cable or satellite OnDemand etc.? Because if you take Blu-Ray out of the equation, then Sony's struggles this time around are magnified.

I really am curious to see what GTAIV does in terms of split of the market and whether increases come in sales numbers in significant form. I'm also curious to see whether MGS4 really moves consoles or whether its all the PS-loving early adopters who are also the MGS fans. I have my doubts there.

Thanks for the good discussion of this topic so far all.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?