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Vena said:
the_dengle said:

You're right about SMG, but Prime Trilogy was criminally undershipped. It's extremely rare and at least as expensive as Xenoblade. It's a great candidate for a 3DS or Wii U remake.

I think the XL is also sold for about 18,000¥ though, yet it is sold for $200 in America. So I would expect the New XL to also cost $200. If they do cut it to $180 that would be amazing.

Was it? I bought the Trilogy Day 1 and have probably largely underestimated its availability as I didn't care if it was available or not after purchasing it! :P News to me, really, as I thought it was abundantly shipped unlike the 400k copies of Xenoblade which all sold out.

The XL and the nXL are the same price in yen, yes, and its possible it will also be priced a bit higher in the states at 200$. You may be right that it will be a little bit more expensive but I was more thinking along the lines of how the DSi was priced when it launched as in not the price of the DSlite if I recall but considerably more expensive.

Also has the region locking or lack there of been confirmed or not yet? Because if this is region unlocked, I am going to have to bother some friends to ship this out to me day 1.

Prime Trilogy sells for $50 used at GameStop at the moment. There was a time not long ago when they were charging something like $70 or more for it, until people made a big enough stink and they cut the price. Anyway, new copies go for a lot more than $70 if you can find them online.

I doubt the new system will be region unlocked, but I suppose it's possible. Some people seem to think they heard Iwata mention that. Nothing has been officially confirmed about it. I wouldn't get my hopes up, unfortunately.