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Vena said:

Ahh I see what you meant then, I was thinking you meant that they've changed time-tables which they haven't.

I will agree, though, by just looking at the specs that this is above and beyond what they did with the DS->DSi, and I for one actually like that they are doing this because it actually gives me an incentive to move from 3DSXL to the n3DSXL. Back when the DSi was out and when I eventually upgraded, the only reason I did was because my old DS (original) broke at the hinges from mismanagement on my part. Had it lasted, I would have never moved to the DSi. Getting Xenoblade Chronicles and the promise of other good games like that... sweatens the deal.

As does the 180$ price tag. I wonder if its new hardware sold at a loss or old hardware OCed and still at a profit.

Eh? $180? Is that official? I haven't seen anything about a price for the West.

I bought an OG 3DS mid-2012, right after the XL was announced and I decided I would prefer a smaller model. Lately the L and R buttons have been malfunctioning sporadically, and the XL screen has been looking nicer and nicer. I only wanted to buy one Nintendo handheld this gen, but I was already on the fence about upgrading if the timing was right with regards to having the funds.

Slap a whole bunch of new features on there, improved online loading times, longer battery life, the CPP buttons, better 3D viewing angle -- this is a very attractive upgrade. As for the exclusive games, as long as they are technically unfeasible on the original 3DS, and the original continues to receive software support, this move doesn't offend me in the least. I expect people will argue for months or even years about whether this or that New 3DS exclusive would have been possible on the original model, but I'm not going to worry about that too much. It's pretty clear to me that Xenoblade could not run on my Midnight Purple.

The opportunity to play one of my favorite games of the past decade anywhere and anytime I want is a very strong motivator for me. I hope it's an indication of Nintendo's intentions as well -- Wii ports are actually a great idea for the New 3DS. Mario Galaxy 1/2? Metroid Prime Trilogy? Of course I want to see brand new games as well for the new systems, but I think a handful of ports are an easy way to make an enticing offer that shows off the extra power of the console without offending 3DS owners by pouring loads of resources into development of exclusive games for a remodel.