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rocketpig said:
billy07 said:
rocketpig said:
billy07 said:
wow such immaturity in this thread, no wonder you people don't enjoy philosophy you don't have half a brain to process it with.

Watch your step, buddy. No personal insults.

What do you call people spamming up my thread and not anwering legitimate questions with legitimate answers?

*looks around*

I see plenty of legitimate answers flying from all sides around here. You just happen to not agree with them. That's okay, too. But we have to draw the line at personal insults and name-calling.

 You call this a legitimate answer?

 I'd like a 2 pump venti mocha and a blueberry scone please and could you warm that up for me?  That would be great, thanks.

 Maybe you should clean up your own backyard before complaining about name calling, afterall you're the one allowing spam and off topic posts like the above to fill up the remainder of this thread. That's against ToS I believe.