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The reason I won't read a book is because a visual media can translate the words of a book in relatable and understandable terms while remaining just as deep as in the case of MGS2 if it takes the time to explore and explain its idea's indepthly.

Wow. Just... Wow.

No way can visual media go into the incredible depth and explanation of a well-written text. Well, it technically could but it would take forever and a day to do so compared to the written word. Well, if you read faster than Helen Keller, that is.

Basically, you just ended this conversation for me. I'm not going to get into a philosophical debate with someone who admits that he won't pick up a fuckin' book and instead defers to a fuckin' video game for help in understanding the world. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to next hear you talk up Neon Genesis Evangelion and its deep philosophical implications given that statement.

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