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WolfpackN64 said:
eFKac said:
WolfpackN64 said:
How about making some new games Sony? Is Beyond Two Souls really worth a remaster? I mean, your console has very little must-own exclusives right now and Microsoft isn't going to wait for you to finish?

Mhm and what exactly is Microsoft doing?

Well, they do have Killer Instinct, and while Sony is busy remastering quite new games, A new Halo and Fable are not that far off. Sunset Overdrive and Scalebound are also looming

Scalebound is a ways off (late 2015 at least).  Sony has Driveclub, LBP3, The Order, Bloodborne, Ratchet Remake, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting about and that's all by March next year

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