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ryuzaki57 said:
Xbone has to take off during the end of year. Not sure MS shareholders will accept to bleed money like that very long.

My gut feeling is that if XB1 numbers dont improve DRAMATICALLY over the holiday season, they will kill it off early next year...despite the "commitment to the brand" that Nadella expressed in his infamous memo.

Now, before I get flamed to have to remember just how SMALL of a division Xbox is compared to the rest of the company.  You also have to remember that the division has lost more money over it's entire history than it has made.  If it is not profitable, there is very little reason to continue making it, advertising it, spending money on promotions (and timed exclusivity deals).  This is a VERY expensive money sink for MS, and the returns, even if they "win"  (which is very unlikely at this point), are small.  They have much bigger fish to fry over they next few years...they have to figure out how to sell Windows again, for one thing...they have to figure out what they are doing with Windows Phone (which is important in a "mobile first, cloud first" company!), and they have to repair all of the damage that Ballmer did to the company's reputation during the Ballmer years.  

So, yeah, I think the "death" of the Xbox One is a definite possibility, and I think this Fall's sales are going to decide it's ultimate fate.