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SvennoJ said:

Can't download it because of bandwidth caps. I don't have 40GB spare in any month.

And a blu-ray version of Citizen Kane is better than a download.
Some games still offer extras in the physical edition, it has become rare though with the push to digital parity, which is a shame imo.

Ofcourse online games are a different matter, you need to be online. You do not buy nor own the server to play it on. You do not get the console either with the purchase of the disc. Titanfall clearly states you need an internet connection and xbox live to play.
(Btw when I still bought pc games they had the option of hosting your own server, and play on 4 pcs at the same time, all with 1 disc. Nowadays Steam offers a slight discount when you buy a 4 pack to play with friends, screw that)

I don't mind people choosing the convenience of digital, but calling people that prefer physical afraid of progress or change or desperately clinging to outdated technology to have a sense of relevance, wth?

And what if I like stuff that's not profitable enough for a remake/remaster/resale/virtual store. Sorry too bad? The existing discs are not shred to plastic, they end up in second hand stores, ebay, garage sales.

So the problem is not in digital games, it's on you for choosing a capped download from your ISP. 

Also, Citizen Kane was not originally released on disc, so I have no clue why the comparison between bluray and download. 

If you cannot understand that the examples I use are to show that the technology advances throughout the years, I cannot help it.

You know, there are Amish who refuse to use any 20th century technology. I see people desperately clinging to outdated, cumbersome technology as modern day Amish. I still respect them as I respect Amish for insisting on their way of life...maybe one day there will be tourists coming to view disc collections in people's houses...a museum tour of sorts...