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The BD reads at 9mb/s. The fasted part of a DVD drive (in a 360 anyway), reads at 10.6mb/s. Slowest at 4.5mb/s

The problem is not the speed. The problem is the amount of data. If DMC was only on BR, the load times would have been the same for BD. The game installed 5 gig. I would assume that means 5 gig is also being loaded off the DVD on the 360. You can't put 5 gig of data in the fast part of a DVD, so the overall load times of DMC would probably be the same. They stuck that game on the HD because they could. Of the two options, DL and almost removing load times they thought was a better option

The cool thing about BD is it's 50gig. Getting 50gig off a disk at 9.0 or even 10.6 mb/s for that matter, sucks.