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For those without any idea how truetrophies works all trophies get a multiplier that makes them worth potentially more than their base values.
They do use the 15point scale instead of the 1 that we use
so bronze 15
silver 30
gold 90
plat 180

I don't know all the factors that go into calculating a value but I believe it's a combination of rarity and how many people have it. So the values are often in a slight bit of flux, most the time but a huge flux when they release or a game shows up on plus.

I like the fact that it can award all the hard trophies not just the platinums. So for those of you who play games that are really hard instead of just a bonus for the difficulty in the platinum league there will be a bonus for all the difficult trophies in the game.

For instance Gran Turismo 5 has a total value of 3622 points while if the points weren't inflated it would be 1185
Infamous second son has a value of 1490 that if it weren't inflated would be 1200. Demon's souls is 2034 and 1185.
Now some things many of you might not like though are some games get a little inflated being on plus. Oddworld: Strangers Wrath is 3,774 and 1215 and puppeteer is 3,711 and 1215.

So the site could use some work to balance difficulty with how many people finish but I do enjoy it.