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windbane said:

Interesting that you left out the part where he says that DQ9 is on the DS because of the install base. That's the main factor, and the fact that DQ has never set standards for graphics like FF does.

FF13 is only on PS3, FF7: Crisis Core is only on PSP, Dissidia is only on PSP, FF13: Versus is only on PS3, The Last Remnant is only on PS3 and 360. I can't wait until 2 years from now when the PS3 and 360 are "ready." That'll be a good time for FF14 and maybe DQ10, although I expect that might be on the Wii.

I would like nothing more than FF14 on the PS3 and DQ10 on the Wii, because those will be the 2 consoles I own. I really wish all you Wii guys would stop looking for things to criticize the graphically superior consoles with.

Wii people do not criticize as much as some of the other fan boys. The more vocal ones (nintendo fanboys) have dealt with Xbox and Sony fanboys calling their systems kiddy systems and such. Or more recently but even fewer today harp on and on and on about graphics. I think what most rational posters think is that the system with the largest install base gets the games and while I know someone will pull out a list of games that will show the lionshare going PS3/360 it will not paint he picture 2-3 years down the road. these are after all businesses.


FF13 is on the PS3 solely because it was predicted to HAVE the largest fan base when they started the project particularily in Japan where Sony has dominated the competition there forever. However DQ9 went DS because it did HAVE and still does and probably will have the largest install base and hte sucess of FF remakes on that system.


Windbane I had both the PS3 and the Wii but the PS3 wasn't worth $600 I wold pay around $300.


Back to the article.

Yes, I agree the 360 and PS3 cost way too much money for a mainstream console It would of been better to focus on the optimal power/price combo. I wish Nintendo would of put more money into making a more powerful unit as well instead of shrinking everything down and working on wattage(This isn't a portable) but at least it si more powerful than the XBOX but it is less noticeable when seen next to a PS3 and the controller is fun for the games that PROPERLY utilize it.