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Darc Requiem said:
NightDragon83 said:
Darc Requiem said:
NightDragon83 said:
If Wii U owners actually put their money where there collective mouths are then 3rd parties wouldn't be running for the hills. Why should a developer waste resources and money to port a game that will sell a fraction of what it will on other platforms?

It's a chicken and the egg scenario. Most diehard Nintendo fans haven't seen good third party support since the SNES era. That's two decades ago. Any newer Nintendo fans have seen nothing but crap and half hearted efforts 3rd parties. At this point, an audience would have to be essentially built from the ground up. I look at younger gamers like my cousin. He's 14 years old, he's never seen a Nintendo home console with good third party support. He doesn't even consider third party games on Nintendo platforms because he's never had a reason too.

Well to be fair it's also been awhile since Nintendo released a console that was technically on par with its competitors in the same generation, something that younger gamers like your cousin have never experienced either.  GameCube was the last to do that, and it also had decent third party support for most of its life although it missed out on some of the heavy hitters like GTA because of Nintendo's self-fulfilling prophecy of being labeled as a "kiddie" company for their refusal to develop and / or promote M-rated games on their consoles... which ironically is now back in the news as Ubisoft announced it'll no longer make M-rated games on Wii U because *gasp* they don't sell!

The problem is that did promote  M Rated games on the Gamecube. They released Eternal Darkness and made a deal with Capcom for the Resident Evil franchise. When Iwata took over for Yamauchi during the GC era, he actively pursued third parties and got little in return. He made a deal for Tales Of, which was supposed to net multiple titles and got Tales of Symphonia in return. He went after Metal Gear and even gave Konami a team to develop it for them and Konami didn't promote the game. "They didn't want it taking away from MGS2 sales", the game didn't even release at the same time. Sega titles sold better on GC on average than did on even PS2. Yet PS2 and Xbox got better support from Sega. They still got gimped 3rd party games. The Splinter Cell games on GC were half assed ports the PS2 version. Despite being more powerful, the GC version of third party games usually often ran the worse, they were often half assed ports of the PS2 version of the games handled by third tier development teams. The Gamecube is the prime example of why Nintendo platforms are where they are now in terms of third party support. Nintendo did what they everyone wants them to do now and handed cash to third parties for support. GC owners bought third party games and  they still got the shaft.

Quoted because this is the truth.