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You really cant blame 3rd parties or even expect them to care at this point. Titles like Street Fighter IV (3.90 PS3, 2.78m 360), Tekken 6 (2.65m PS3, 1.24m 360), Battlefield 4 (2.97m 360, 2.02m PS4, 1.42m x1, 2.83m PS3) and CoD: Ghosts (8.90m 360, 1.93m X1, 2.47m PS4, 8.20m PS3) sell so well on other platforms. Smaller titles like Naruto and Tales games usually hit north of 600K on one or both SKUs. More and more Japanese games are selling well on PC as well as evidenced by Street Fighter X Tekken, Metal Gear Solid V, King of Fighters, Dynasty Warriors and Naruto coming to Steam. These type of games usually fail to crack 300k on the WiiU . Really why should any company go out of their way to cater to a such as small base of customers who never seem to give a damn regardless. There really is no point. PS4 + XBox One + PC is were most devs will focus on this generation, that's all there is to it.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine