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Fusioncode said:
impertinence said:

You've answered your own question.

I am a Nintendo only owner, but I wouldn't consider myself a Nintendo fan. I buy games I like and I don't care where they are developed or who published them. I almost stopped gaming all toghether before the Wii because gaming was becomming more and more infected with the attitude that AC IV is a great game. In my taste Assassins Creed is borderline unplayable; and I did buy both III and IV unfortunately.

Nintendo does their thing, they have a philosophy of what kinds of games they make and they do it. Better than anyone else. It also aligns much better with what I am looking for from a video game then most other developers. Result? I buy many Nintendo games, tons of indie games and some 3rd party games. It's not Nintendo's responsibility to get me to buy anything other than their own games. A much better question would be: "What should third parties do to get Nintendo fans to buy their games?". If Bungie spent their time on a great looking local multi player sack racing sim I'd be all over it, instead they are working on some tripe first person shooter thing probably with a "deep story" single player campaign as well. The kind of stuff I can't stand. Why should I buy it? To encourage thrid parties to make more games that I don't like? Where's all the complaining that Naughty Dog needs to diversify what they are doing and stop producing the same game over and over? Where are the games I want from these devlopers? You will never see me make that asinine argument because it's retarded. Companies are responsible for making a product and marketing it and then the people who like it will buy it.

I never buy more than one console, and I never will. So, as a result I will not play a number of games no matter what system I buy. So my decission is guided by where I will find the most games I'll enjoy. To me that system is teh Wii U and so I don't spend one second sweating over missing out on games. In all honesty, the only game I am missing that I would have bought if it was available on Wii U is a hockey sim. I am not going to buy another system to play one hockey game though.

So the answer is 3rd parties should suit their games around your personal tastes? ACIV was a well reviewed and well liked game that sold very poorly on WiiU. You may not have liked but it managed to find success on other platforms so why not the WiiU? If 3rd parties can sell their games on other systems there is no reason why they can't on Nintendo consoles unless Nintendo fans have been conditioned to only buy exclusives. 

The game sold poorly on the Wii U becuase the people who buy a Wii U don't give a shit about that game. If they want to sell games on the Wii U they need to make games people want, not whine about people not buying their games. If they want to be very successful they probably should diversify their development and branch out and deliver different experiences on the Wii U.

Why don't they? Because they are not good at making games, they are comfortable blowing up the production value and features of what they have already done, they are not comfortable trying to create things more people will enjoy. The third parties that are now abandoning the Wii U are the game houses that try to push 'artistic vision' and other buzz words to sell their games to tech geeks. This will most likely reduce gaming to a niche hobby or lead to another crash as the market is not growing nearly quickly enough to sustain going for that bleeding edge, or indie games will rise and sanity returns.