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The problem for Nintendo is that people have little incentive to purchase 3rd party games on their console if they have another alternative ie PC/PS4/XBONE. There are a number of reasons why people prefer to play 3rd party games on platforms other than Nintendo's and they include superior graphics/online/achievements not to mention the problem of many games not even being available at all on their platform.

Nintendo's strength has always been software so they should stick with what they do best and put aside gimmicks. Invest the limited hardware budget that they do have in order to provide a mid range console in terms of power that uses standard pc parts that will make it painless for developers to port games to their console.

I think that short of outright buying exclusivity at this stage there is little Nintendo can do with the Wii U and 3rd party game support. What they should do is learn from their mistakes and double down on their first party game output while providing an easy to develop for and midrange console when they release the Wii U's successor.