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billy07 said:
Onimusha12 said:
billy07 said:

Maybe you people should read more philosophy books. I assure you they are all extremely abstract an complex making it difficult to understand the concept behind the words. MGS2 is also complex, but tackling the issues of Identity, universal vs subject truths, "self", memes, what to pass on and a lot more is far deeper than what any film of game does. MGS3 had it's philosophical content stripped down too far.

You people should read the Texas profesors essay (regardless of spelling it is good content) and James Howels analysis to comprehend the scope of the game.

Well isn't that convenient, an excuse that doesn't rely on any objective reasoning, just the acusation that its too complicated for the critics to grasp.

Even if there was any credibility to this statement maybe Kojima should have taken into account he was making a game for entertainment, not retranslating Neiztche.


When did he ay he was making the game for entertainment purposes? That's your own assumption that got you riled up without any basis fort. MGS has always been foremost movie, game second. Kojima even admits to that. Eventhough movies are dubbed an entertainment medium I wouldn't consider national geographic, history channel, etc entertaining as much as educational. Not every game must be entertaining. some games can and should provide social, political, philosophical messages before gameplay or entertainment as that is what provides the industry with variety. We have enough games for entertainment already, play one of those others like me would prefer some brain food in our games instead.

Oh dear god... Here we go... The whole its a Movie not a game argument... Just stop.... Just, just... Just stop....

I don't know what is sadder, the fact you consider this game intellectual or that you think intellectuality is something that should be pursued in spite of all other aspects of gameplay or story telling.

billy07 said:
Characters weren't fleshed out? What do you call the Cobra unit then?

hand fisted, forced and given about as much thought as telling the player these characters had a past.